Monthly Archives: December 2008

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and some more CooL


Update from The Happy Hour Studio

I hope that you are enjoying the Holiday Season.  The Happy Hour team has been hard at work preparing for 2009 and I am very excited about the upcoming spring line.

I have gotten great support from the Twitter Community.  Thank you and I look forward to growing with you in 2009.  A couple weeks back I decided to post a basic demo piece of the Twitter “@”.  Well you guys seem to Love it as it is the most viewed page on my blog.


In appreciation I am taking special request for Custom Twitter inspired pieces.  Several of you have already submitted orders and you will be recievening them shortly.  Twitter Exclusive price of $25 per t-shirt.

Enjoy the rest of the Holidays and stay tuned to the blog for updates.

New Holiday Additions

New Hoodie

New Hoodie

I did some post Christmas shopping for myself and was able to find some pretty cool deals. I am a big fan of the hoodie and Kid Robot does a great job.

The post holiday shopping period can be the best time to shop. Upgrade your essentials and hunt for some good deals on high end pieces.

Merry Christmas Twitter Exclusive

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

Tis the Night Before Christmas

I found some more Hipsters



Robert Maxwell has a pretty good eye.

Boston Snow Ball Fight…Tweetup Style on the Common

Please Join me in celebrating WINTER with a Tweet up on Boston Common. I think a spontaneous snow ball fight would be much appreciated by the community.snowball1

Some more Pieces from the Spring Line

Just an LA Girl

Just an LA Girl

The Hoodie below was inspired by a current customer of Happy Hour…


Twitter Special


The first of many.

Like a Virgin….LOL


Beyond Rock Star, Madonna still has what it takes to be a style icon.

madonna-2I bet she would never be caught in Uggs!

Make your Holiday Gifts Memorable

Perfect gift

Perfect gift

Im sure that image just made you smile….or it just set you back some serious cash.  But thats what the holidays are for right?  If you are going to give a gift you might as well come correct.

A friend of mine passed an article along and this interesting fact caught my attention  “Tiffany’s signature blue box dates back to 1837… on average, a woman’s heart rate will increase by 22 percent when she is exposed to this color”.

The question is how can you make the recipiant of your gift go into cardiac arrest.  The secret is understanding your target and getting them something they cant live without.  But dont forget to add your own personal style and touch.  The thought really does go a long way.

My strategy is to have an idea of what im shopping for and then hit the stores in the final week before Christmas.  I have encountered a lot of critisim for this strategy but I like to live on the edge.  The truth is I am a good shopper and I shine under pressure.  At the end of the day I leave it to fate…because if I dont find what im looking for then I have to improvise and often times thats when I create that increase in heart rate.

Good luck with the rest of your holiday shopping and dont stress yourself out.  After all its a time to be Merry!